Search results: information for professionals

You searched for information for professionals

Results 1 – 53 of about 53.

  • Information Sharing

    Information Sharing ...
  • Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Information Sharing

    Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum.
  • What is safeguarding?

    Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Information for individuals ...
  • Self Neglect and Hoarding

    This document contains information regarding concerns about adults who self-neglect. It addresses what self-neglect is, why it matters and provides information in relation to safeguarding. ...
  • Safeguarding Adults Reviews: Information for Families, Friends and Carers

    When an adult who needs care and support either dies or suffers serious harm, and when abuse or neglect is thought to have been a ...
  • The Herbert Protocol: Missing Adult Information Form

    A form that contains vital information about a person at risk that can be passed to the police if the person is reported missing. ...
  • Safeguarding Adult Review

    The Care Act 2014 introduced Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) which were previously known as Serious Case Reviews (SCRs). This is a change in terminology. ...
  • Safeguarding Adults Reviews: Information for Families, Friends and Carers

    When an adult who needs care and support either dies or suffers serious harm, and when abuse or neglect is thought to have been a ...
  • Managing Risk: Risk Enablement

    The Practice Guidance developed with partners over 2017 to 2018, aims to support professionals to achieve the balance between protection and autonomy that is right ...
  • The Waiting Room

    The Waiting Room is a free online resource directory designed to give you information about the right support  and advice you when you need it most.
  • The Clewer Initiative has launched an app to tackle modern slavery in farming, horticulture and food production

    The Farm Work Welfare App, developed by The Clewer Initiative, will provide information on employment rights in eight languages and is aimed at the thousands of workers who come every year to help with the harvest of fruit and vegetables on UK farms.
  • Birmingham Safeguarding Adult Partnership Events

    If you would like information on how to become a member of the BSAB Safeguarding Adult Partnership, please e-mail: ...
  • Information for New Volunteers and Community Groups

    This information has been created to support Volunteers and Community Group to help raise awareness about Safeguarding Adults during the period of the Coronavirus 2020 ...
  • Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Information Sharing

    The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board are holding a frontline workers Practitioner Forum about Information Sharing.
  • 7 Minute Briefings

    The 7 briefings provide a mixture of information such as learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews. They can also be used to support reflective discussion ...
  • Making Safeguarding Personal Webinar

    Research in Practice are hosting two webinars to support the implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal. This work has been commissioned by ADASS and the LGA.
  • Book Now : Lewisham Learning Event for the Eileen Dean and Amanda Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)

    Lewisham Safeguarding Adult Board are hosting a Online Event sharing the learning from a two of their Safeguarding Adults Reviews
  • Information Vulnerable Citizens who are Self Isolating

    We want to make sure the most vulnerable are safe when they are self-isolating as well as generally keeping safe - here are some things ...
  • Safeguarding Adults Blue Booklet

    This booklet contains information on topics that relate to safeguarding. It addresses what safeguarding is, abuse and neglect, mental capacity and various other topics to ...
  • Neglect Abuse – fact sheet 5

    This fact sheet provides information on Neglect and the possible signs and symptoms it may present. ...
  • Physical Abuse – fact sheet 1

    Information on different types of physical abuse is provided in this fact sheet. This covers a range of actions and behaviours, and the signs and ...
  • Safeguarding Adults Staff Competencies and Good Practice Learning Standards Guidance Toolkit

    This document provides guidance and information on competency of the workforce around safeguarding adults. It also provides Learning Standards and a Guidance Toolkit. ...
  • West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network: NRM Explanatory Document launched

    WM Anti-Slavery Network have produced a multi-lingual document which explains the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for use by First Responders for survivors of Modern Slavery.
  • Law Commission Consultation on Reforms to the Hate Crime Laws

    The Law Commission is now calling for reforms to hate crime laws to make them fairer and, for example, to protect women for the first time (although the proposals are wider than just gender).
  • The six principles of safeguarding

    The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) fully incorporates the six principles of adult safeguarding that should guide and inform the approach to delivery of safeguarding ...
  • Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Self Neglect

    The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board are holding a frontline workers Practitioner Forum about Self Neglect and the obstacles front line practitioners may face in Birmingham when working with Adult
  • Managing Risk: Risk Enablement

    The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) believes that at the heart of adult safeguarding lies a tension between the duty to protect an adult from ...
  • Keele University - looking for participants for research into impact of COVID-19 on Adult Safeguarding

    Keele University are inviting frontline practitioners to take part in a survey designed to explore your views about the impact COVID-19 has had on the law and practice of adult safeguarding.
  • West Midlands MARAC - A MARAC basics and refresher training sessions available to safeguarding professionals across the West Midlands Region.

    West Midlands MARAC will be hosting a series of events designed to improve connections with key sectors and partners. MARAC is the multi-agency response to high risk domestic abuse in the West Midlands
  • Message from West Midlands Fire Service - Safe and Well Checks

    West Midland Fire Service would like to share the following message with Partners.
  • Self Neglect and Applying Mental Capacity Act Webinar

    Watch this Useful Webinar
  • Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Self Neglect

    Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum.
  • Book Now - Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Trauma Informed Practice

    Booking is now available for our next Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum.
  • Call for Evidence for Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

    This call for evidence was reopened at 6pm on 12 March to further collect views from those with lived experience of, or views on, crimes considered as violence against women and girls.
  • Welcome to the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board

    The first thing I want you to know about us is that we are committed to listening to the voice of the citizens of Birmingham. ...
  • Webinar on Closed Cultures

    When a service has a closed culture, people are more at risk of abuse and human rights breaches.
  • Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Self Neglect

    Due to demand he Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board are holding another frontline workers Practitioner Forum about Self Neglect and the obstacles front line practitioners may face.
  • Safeguarding Adults Partnership Event - Loneliness and Social Isolation

    Safeguarding Adult Partnership events are aimed at Organisational Managers and Safeguarding Leads who work with Adults with Care and Support in Birmingham.
  • Working together to stop adult abuse

    The purpose of the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs. It does this by: assuring that local safeguarding ...
  • What Is Hoarding - Briefing 10 March 22

    This briefing will focus on Hoarding.
  • What Is Hoarding - Briefing 13 September 22

    This briefing will focus on Hoarding.
  • Safeguarding Adults Practitioner Forum - Trauma Informed Practice

    The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board are holding a frontline workers Practitioner Forum about Trauma Informed Practice for front line practitioners in Birmingham.
  • Free Briefing about Hoarding - 20 January 2022

    This free briefing will be delivered for the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board by Heather Matuozzo of Clouds End CIC and Ruth Hare from Birmingham City Council - Adult Social Care.
  • Safeguarding Adult Partnership Event - Mental Capacity Act

    Safeguarding Adult Partnership Events are aimed at Organisational Managers and Safeguarding Leads who work with Adults with Care and Support in Birmingham.
  • Domestic Violence and Abuse Professional Briefing in Response to COVID-19

    The Police and Crime Commissioner is launching the multi-agency domestic abuse campaign #noexcuseforabuse
  • Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) & Independent Management Reviews (IMR) Briefing Session

    Booking is available for Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) & Independent Management Reviews (IMR) Briefing Session.
  • The Importance of Professional Curiosity for Safeguarding Adults

    Professional curiosity is a concept which has been recognised as important in the area of safeguarding. More recently, Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) have also highlighted this need.
  • Types of abuse

    This section considers the different types and patterns of abuse and neglect and the different circumstances in which they may take place. This is not ...
  • Information for professionals
  • The BSAB website Homepage

    The purpose of the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs. ...
  • About us
  • Contact us
  • What is abuse