Book Now : Lewisham Learning Event for the Eileen Dean and Amanda Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)
Lewisham Safeguarding Adult Board are hosting a Online Event sharing the learning from a two of their Safeguarding Adults Reviews
The Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board will be hosting this important online event on the 22 February 2023 between 14.00 and 16.00hrs.
This high-profile event will provide a significant learning experience for the professionals that attend.
The Eileen Dean SAR has understandably attracted a lot of national interest, so we have decided to open this learning event to professionals outside of Lewisham (Eileen was tragically killed by another resident in the care home where they both resided). The Amanda review also has significant learning themes that are relevant to any professional working with adults at risk, so it is important that we share these as widely as possible.
The full reports and the 7 Minute Briefings for both of these reviews can be seen here: Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board - Safeguarding Adult Reviews
For more information and to book