Booking available: Birmingham Against FGM Conference 2022 - "Ending FGM in a Generation"

Published: 7th Feb 2022

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership BSCP on behalf of Birmingham against FGM are delivering two virtual conferences about female genital mutilation on the 10 February 2022

All safeguarding staff and practitioners are invited to attend. The sessions include survivor accounts, medical expertise and  practitioner tools as well as definitions and  awareness raising.

Outline of the session:

  •  Introduction and welcome - Carolyn Daly, Safeguarding Children Team Leader, Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust/Christine Wellington, Head of Service, Birmingham Childrens Trust, Asti                                                       
  •  What is FGM? -  Alison Byrne – Specialist FGM Midwife, University Hospitals Birmingham : An overview of FGM and types of FGM from one of the leading specialists in this area. Hear about Alison’s groundbreaking work with women and girls.
  • The Law - DC Gill Squires, WMP SME for Female Genital Mutilation, Public Protection Unit| West Midlands Police : Gill is the subject expert lead for West Midlands police and has extensive professional and personal experience in this field.
  • Survivor Account -  Mrs Sarian Karim-Kamara : Sarian talks about her experiences of FGM and being a survivor. Crucial insight into the impact of FGM on a very personal level

There are two sessions for more information see the links below.

To book Session 1: 09.30 – 12.30 go to:

To book session 2:  13.00 – 16.30 go to:

For other BSCP events