The Minister for Social Care has announced that the implementation date for Liberty Protection Safeguards has been delayed until April 2022

In a written statement by Helen Whately, Minister for Care has confirmed that the Liberty Protection Safeguards originally intended to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) on 1 October 2020 will now be delayed until April 2022.
“It is now clear that successful implementation is not possible by this October. We now aim for full implementation of LPS by April 2022. Some provisions, covering new roles and training, will come into force ahead of that date. I will continue to update the sector and stakeholders on timings.
…Health and social care has been at the frontline of the nation’s response to COVID-19, with social care providers looking after many of the most vulnerable in society. We have received representations from public and private bodies from across the sector over the last few months, outlining the pressures they face if they were to implement by October 2020.
My overall objective remains to ensure implementation of an effective system in particular for those whose lives will be most affected by this legislation.”
Read the full written statement at: